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Welkom bij het vraag- en antwoord systeem van de onderzoeks-practica van de studie psychologie bij de Open Universiteit.

Houd er, als je een vraag stelt, rekening mee dat je de richtlijnen volgt!

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Wat zijn de criteria voor de ethische toetsing van onderzoek? Ik had zelf: data management, full disclosure, en informed consent; maar in oefententamen 1 staat ook 'de waarschijnlijkheid dat een studie nieuwe kennis oplevert', dit lijkt tussen neus en lippen door in de tekst van H1 genoemd te worden. Is er een concreet rijtje van de dingen die onder deze criteria vallen, die ik voor het tentamen kan weten?

Bedankt! Groet, Claire
in Inleiding Onderzoek (OIO, PB02x2; was Inleiding Data Analyse, IDA) door (510 punten)

1 Antwoord

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Hi, weet iemand dit toevallig? Groet, Claire
door (510 punten)
Ik moest ook even zoeken maar dit was wat ik kon vinden.

The Code of Ethics is based in the following principles:

 Researchers respect the dignity of humans and their environment by avoiding exploitation, treating participants and their communities with respect and care, and protecting those with diminished autonomy.

 Researchers strive towards a minimization of harm, and a just distribution of benefits and burden, with respect for the potentially conflicting interests of diverse (groups of) participants, communities, and society.

 Researchers adopt an ethical attitude in which they are mindful of the meaning, implications and consequences of the research for anyone affected by it.

 Researchers demonstrate the ethical attitude by

i) active reflection on the ethical issues that may arise during, or as a consequence of, their research,

ii) initiating a proper assessment of the potential drawbacks of the research for individuals, communities and society, and

iii) monitoring for any developments that may impact upon ethical aspects of the research.

 Researchers are able to account for, and communicate on their ethical reflection vis-à-vis different stakeholders, such as the participants and their communities, the own organization, scientific peers, students, funding agencies, and society. 4

 Researchers conduct research that is scientifically valid, and that will plausibly lead to relevant insights in the field of the social and behavioural sciences.
